

Do you spend a moment each day counting your blessings? Can you stop right now and say 10 things you are thankful for? Do you appreciate the beauty of life?

I truly believe to be a happy person I must take a minute or two each day to look around and say out loud or write on paper what makes my life beautiful.

There are many different ways to do this:

1) Meditation- Personally I have not started to meditate but I know while you sit quietly this is a good time to say your blessings quietly to yourself. What an amazing start to a day! You’re at peace with life and yourself.

2) Prayer- My beliefs are my own but I know this is a great time to say your blessings out-loud with your family before dinner or right before you go to sleep. No matter what your religion I know this is an important time of your day.

3) Written- This is my main way to reflect on my life. I’ve made a habit to keep one agenda journal. Each day I take a couple of minutes and look back at my day from before and I write down each activity, person, event, thing, place that made me love life. Example: Today I would write down hockey (Loving the Sochi Olympics), my roommate, date night with my men :), Lego movie (super cute movie by the way), my business thriving, my mentor, Family, London fogs, greeting strangers with smiles.

Another way I used to do this was with a gratitude box. I found a beautiful box from Pier 1 and a card set and each day I would write on these cards with the date just the same way I would in my agenda. I have all my cards in that box and now I can always look back and see all my blessings.

4) With the family- Include your family and teach them how to live with a grateful heart. Now for me my family means my boyfriend & friends. For you it may be your husband and children, mom & dad, or you may be like me and keep friends close to you and treat them like family.

Spend some time with them each day or week and tell each other why you feel grateful for each other & your lives. You could write it down, say it out loud, send each other e-mails, draw pictures (Those with kids may love that), keep a family journal.

Living life with a grateful heart will lighten your day, stress will be easily controlled, and you will start seeing the all the little things in life that make it so amazing.

Much love,


See the little things in life & share it with others

  • How many times have you seen those ridiculous cat postings on facebook? Copy the link and e-mail them to others. (Some of my friends/family do not have facebook and I love sharing links to them)
  • Take pictures
  • Found a new artist/musician/movie let your friends know. Entertainment always makes people feel good. Especially music.
  • Hike! Nothing feels better than accomplishing something and see the beauty of nature.

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As a twenty-something women from the y generation I have a lot to learn, this blog will be about my journey and the way I see the world. It will be insightful, funny, sad, hilarious, and above all weird. I hope to inspire you to live life big and take time to enjoy the little things.