My love story… with money ;)

2014-04-25 16.50.46

I’ll let you know a secret… I’m in love with money and learning how to value it’s value. Lately I’ve been taking the time to be extra conscious with my views on how I treat money. I’m not talking about the dirty details; budgets, my spending habits, paying off the debt. I’m talking about making it simple and loving; giving thanks when I receive or give money, checking into my bank daily and reading every statement & bill, and changing the way I talk about money while being truthful and positive. 

I’ve been focused on this lately as I’ve been reading “Money, A love story” by Kate Northrup and I’ve taken her teachings and placed them into my daily life. This past Wednesday I spent an hour listening to her webinar “Financial Renewal: 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When It Comes To Their Money.” 

If you missed it please take the time and check it out at 

Before I go any further I want to send a big THANK YOU to Kate Northrup. Having a women in my life as inspirational and caring as you means the world to me. Your love and support through your teachings is amazing. I cannot wait to meet you in person and thank you with a huge hug! 

Now, why am I fired up about this subject. 

A couple of reasons…

First, the money goddess has been challenging me. How do I know? The last three sources of income have come to me about 50% under budget each. Ouch. So what am I to do? 

  1. BE extremely thankful I have amazing income coming to me
  2. Pay each bill and rent on time (first open all those bills up :0) 
  3. Start valuing my worth in myself

After seeing the reduced income I realized that I’m holding back on how much value I give myself. I don’t speak up when needed (one of my sources had given me a chance to speak up and I was too scared to) and I undermine my own views on how much I should make. 

Honestly, I’ve always thought of myself as a fairly confidant, kick-ass, young women. So how do I find value in myself? I’ll start simple and easy. 

  1. Start by taking the time to be grateful. I’ve fallen off my daily gratitude path and I need to restart my daily out look of life and let the world know that my life and the world around me is AWESOME! 
  2. Telling myself 3 things about myself that I value daily… along with why I’m grateful for life! GIVE LOVE INSIDE AND OUT! 
  3. Saying thank you to every compliment I’m given. 

Second reason on why I’m fired up about this subject… The fact that so many people in my life view money in a negative way. I just got off the phone with my momma and it dawned on me that so many of my friends and family are going through what I am. This money subject is extremely hard for almost everyone in my life… even the wealthy! We all speak negatively about how we view money. Why is this? We spend so much time being positive and loving about everything else in our lives so why don’t we give love to our incomes/bills & debt/money in general? LET’S DO IT! 

It’s time we all become positive with all aspects of this usually touchy subject. Who knows… maybe our debt will be paid off faster, maybe our income becomes larger and we become happier when we set value to ourselves, and maybe we will just enjoy life a little more because we are not as stressed. 

My group of friends talk about living happy and creating our lives how we want. We should remember that this includes everything; money, life, love, relationships, friendships, personal development, school, work, fitness… everything! Take the time today and start loving your everything! 

That’s why I share my story today. YES I’m in debt, YES I am having financial income issues, and Yes I love to spend a lot of money on the daily. I’m not going to hide behind these truths anymore. I want my story to be shared with you so you know that you’re not alone! 

Again, Please please please check out “Money A Love Story” by Kate Northrup. Most of my story today comes from her passion behind this subject!

Be grateful for life… why? BECAUSE YOU ROCK! Trust me I know :) 

Written with love while listening to Beyonce in my office while drinking lemon water with my windows open! Yup 😉



Your friend, 






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As a twenty-something women from the y generation I have a lot to learn, this blog will be about my journey and the way I see the world. It will be insightful, funny, sad, hilarious, and above all weird. I hope to inspire you to live life big and take time to enjoy the little things.