The beginning

I have been fighting with what my main topic will be on my blog.

I have written several little pieces on relationships, a couple on random ideas, and a small essay about myself. None of them really spoke to me.

I am not in a relationship at the moment and the little connections I have are not strong enough to become a relationship guru.

Have you ever seen that movie “UP” and you know the talking dog that gets easily distrac-squirrel. Right! I’m a little like him. It’s funny but writing on my random thoughts not the best or most interesting form of creativity.

So what do I write about?

Then it hit me. I am just starting my life journey to become an internationally known life coach. I want to teach people to make their dreams come true. I want to build confidence and strength to those people who want to achieve greatness. I am not sure how I’ll get to become internationally known but that is what excites me the most. I’m starting this lifelong adventure and I’m starting it now.

So blog launch here I go! My super life begins now.

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As a twenty-something women from the y generation I have a lot to learn, this blog will be about my journey and the way I see the world. It will be insightful, funny, sad, hilarious, and above all weird. I hope to inspire you to live life big and take time to enjoy the little things.