I finally figured it out.

Everyone has different talents and I think I’ve just figured mine out.

Yes I grew up dancing and at one point was really good but that stopped when I was around 15. I grew up playing piano but could only really master my right hand. When I was in high school I finished all my acting/drama courses by grade 10. That included grade 11 & 12. After high school I got cast in a tv show pilot which was not picked up. Then in college I aced all my psychology classes & some English but dropped out of the rest. I love to be a leader and up until recently have been working jobs that I’d never do again even though I know my management skills are amazing.

So what could my talent be? What could be my calling? It’s taken me 27 years to realize this.. Drum rolls please; I am everyone’s number one fan. I can support a wide range of people and cheer them on like no one else.

This is the reason why I want to become a life coach.

I believe that I can help build confidence in others and teach them that if you work hard your dreams can come true.

I get really upset when people don’t believe in the power of their dreams.

I see on a regular basis that goals can be achieved by anyone. Two of my best friends have moved to L.A. this past year to make their careers happen. They followed their hearts and it’s paying off. Not even a year ago I was hanging out with both of them here in Victoria and we would talk endlessly about their goals, visions, and passion. Now they have both made it happen. Each of them have worked with extremely big names in the music industry in less than a year.

The power of one’s belief can make mountains move. It all starts with a dream.

My dream is to help people live the life they want their way. I get so excited to talk with my friends, associates, loved ones, and the random people I meet about their goals in life. This is my passion. The reason I stay up at night because I’m too excited to sleep.


The one thing I’ve learned in this past month is how important it is to work on your vision every day. No matter what life throws at you and how many distractions there are. If you keep to your intentions then the world has a way of making it work.

I have always believe that but I never kept up on my own intentions. Each day I would make excuses, complaints, and I would basically just not do the work. That is the past. I am now working on my passions every day.

We all deserve the life we want. Why else have we been given this blessing to live? I do not believe that our world would be so beautiful if we were not meant to enjoy every second. Why get stuck in a job you hate or date a person who is so cruel? Go out and get your dream job and that person who makes you wake up with a smile. You got this!

I’ve had 27 years of an amazing life. Now I know my purpose I’ll have a lifetime of growth, adventure, and love.

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As a twenty-something women from the y generation I have a lot to learn, this blog will be about my journey and the way I see the world. It will be insightful, funny, sad, hilarious, and above all weird. I hope to inspire you to live life big and take time to enjoy the little things.

One thought on “I finally figured it out.”

  1. Go for it Lili!

    Nice blog. Yer one more reason that makes me think I should start a blog too :) Hope you are doing well chica

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