25 things about lili that you may not know!

It’s going to take a couple of days to officially launch my blog but I’d like to introduce myself and I thought this would be a fun way to let you know who I am. So here is the top 25 things about me that you might not know…

1) adopted from birth
2) grew up wanting to become an actress and movie director
3) longest best friend who I’m still close to is Shannon. 23 years and counting
4) loves celebrity blogs
5) vitamin d is my favourite vitamin
6) loves the number 17 because of hockey players
7) in love with Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion
8) would never kill a spider
9) has never watched jersey shore or the notebook
10) thinks Phillip Phillips is hot (he’s on tv right now… Just a random thought)
11) I had a twin named snowy . He was my first dog and was born on the same day as me. I have a tattoo of a snowflake in honor of him . Sadly, because of a house fire I do not have any pictures of him.
12) I’ve been in love twice
13) I’ve also had two hard break ups. Funny huh?
14) Voting is extremely important to me. I follow Canadian and American politics.
15) I have a bucket list
16) all I want to do is attend music festivals
17) I am always everyone’s number one fan. Anyone close to me and any musicians/local businesses who I believe take their art/store/restaurant seriously I will support & promote them 100%.
18) if I were to apply to any reality tv show it would have to be big brother or amazing race
19) I am a bitch and I do judge people… I can’t lie about it. I am also very sweet and love everyone! I guess it’s the libra in me.
20) I can throw a party at the drop of a dime.
21) I love my freckles and have never worn cover up or blush or whatever make up women put on their faces because I’d hate to cover them up.
22) I have a guitar pick from Dave Navarro :)
23) I can be really mean to my dad sometimes and I hate that. I become more and more like him every year and that makes me really happy. He kind-of rocks
24) I’ve seen every twilight movie and I don’t really like any of them. Arg worse secret about me ever!
25) I’m scared that I won’t keep up on my blog because I am a pro at procrastination and not following through. Time to change!

25 1/2) my dream job is to become a life coach.

Please stay tuned to the official launch!



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As a twenty-something women from the y generation I have a lot to learn, this blog will be about my journey and the way I see the world. It will be insightful, funny, sad, hilarious, and above all weird. I hope to inspire you to live life big and take time to enjoy the little things.